Nadjeschda and the Queen of Spades by Tchaikovsky is an special theatrical music performance about the women in Tchaikovsky’s life and their influence on his work. A variation of musical pieces is linked together by a narration about Tchaikovsky’s life and a series of photo portraits made by Dutch photographer Nadja Willems, decendant of Nadjeschda von Meck- patron of Tchaikovsky. We are happy to sponsor the performance.
Performances will take place:
in Moscow (November 1 until December 2, 2018 – http://glinka.museum/visitors/events/?SECTION_ID=3 )
in Klin (November 2, 2018 – https://tchaikovsky.house/category/concert/)
and in St. Petersburg (November 4, 2018 – http://www.obraztsova.org/events_november_18.html).